Dennis K. Dahmer, Sr.
Dennis K. Dahmer, Sr. https://democracyinactionconvening.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/0-7-1024x1024.png 1024 1024 Marc Wilkins https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3db256dd13984cb363c761ff5be93af8?s=96&d=mm&r=gDENNIS K. DAHMER, SR., grew up in the KELLY SETTLEMENT community, north of Hattiesburg, MS., along the Forrest and Jones County line. This area was settled by his ancestors in the early 1800’s, before Mississippi was a state, back when it was still part of the Georgia territory, and considered to be the American frontier. His ancestors were African enslaved and free people, Indian, Irish & German. It was this racial makeup that lead to a lot of my family’s racial conflicts with others going back to the 1800’s. He attended Earl Travillion High School and later was part of the group of Black students that integrated North Forrest High School in 1970, as the result of a Federal Judge court order. Dennis attended the University of Southern Mississippi and later graduated from Jackson State University in 1976 with a B.S. in Biology. He worked for 15 years in professional sales management positions, primarily in technical and laboratory sales on a national & international basis. Dennis eventually started my own business in 1988, Scientific Consultants, Inc., as a manufacturer’s representative specializing in Bio-Research laboratory equipment and instrumentation sales. Today, he is semi-retired and focusing on “Nostalgia Farming” in THE KELLY SETTLEMENT. Dennis is the son of the late Mr. Vernon Dahmer and Mrs. Ellie Dahmer.